Christian Friends Calendar

Calendar 2005

Visitor's Book

Contact Us

The TIME - and - The PLACE in 2005


Christian Friends organises events, conferences, seminars, and workshops to enhance the potential of both women and men. These address are range of issues and topics, and are held in various venues, either by invitation from a group, or organised by us.

JULY 2005

EVENT:             Interactive Breakfast Meeting

The TIME is:    Saturday 30th July 2005

                           Time: 8.30am for 9.00am start,

                           till 11.30am

The PLACE is:Women's Group, Drogheda

THEME is:       Building  Friendships

TOPIC:             Faith without works...

Breakfast Cost: organised by host

August 2005

EVENT:      Interactive Breakfast Meeting

The TIME:  Saturday 27th Aug 2005

                    8.30am for 9.00am start,

                    till 11.30am

The PLACE:North Ireland

                    (Ladies meeting)

THEME is: Friendships 


                   Makes NO Sense

Breakfast Cost: Invitation

September 2005

EVENT:       Interactive  Meeting

The TIME:   Invitation Only

The PLACE: London Islington

THEME:      Friendships

TOPIC:Man/Woman Relationships:

               Which Way Forward?

Cost:      FREE

October 2005

EVENT:  Celebration of PRAISE

The TIME is:    Saturday 15th Oct 2005

                          8.30am for 9.00am start

                          till 11.30am

The PLACE is: Conference Centre

                         (Invitation Only)

THEME:        Praise

TOPIC:          PRAISE

Breakfast Cost: Invitation Only

November 2005

EVENT:      Interactive Breakfast

The TIME:   Ibadan & Lagos

The PLACE is: Nigeria

THEME is:  By Arrangement

TOPIC:        To be determined.


December 2005

EVENT:             Interactive Breakfast

The TIME is:    Open to invitations

The PLACE is: To be advised

THEME is:        To be determined 

TOPIC:            To be selected

Jesus is Lord over ALL!!!